STEM Course Descriptions

All classes in the Sandwich STEM Academy focus on the development and use of 21st century skills including collaboration, communication, and the use of technology. The school is committed to the use of Project Based Learning (PBL) in all programs. The Buck Institute for Education (BIE) defines PBL as a “systematic teaching method that engages students in learning knowledge and skills through an extended inquiry process structured around complex, authentic questions and carefully designed products and tasks.” The BIE further defines PBL as using the following criteria in the delivery of instruction:

  • Key Knowledge, Understanding, and Success Skills
  • Challenging Problem or Question
  • Sustained Inquiry
  • Authenticity
  • Student Voice and Choice
  • Reflection
  • Critique and Revision
  • Public Product

Each of these middle school classes engages students as active learners that focus on “achievement, self-mastery, and contribution to the community.” Author Rick Wormeli described this as “inviting thinking.” There is also an emphasis on differentiated instruction and use of authentic assessments to meet the needs of all learners. All core classes are united by the team structure which supports cross discipline thematic instruction and assessment

7th Grade Courses

8th Grade Courses